
The Impact of the Zohar: In early Christian Europe between the 16th and the 18th centuries

Raphael Ebgi, The Impact of the Zohar: In early Christian Europe between the 16th and the 18th centuries.
265 pages, full-color ill.
ISBN: 978-88-945374-3-7

The first two editions of the Sefer ha-Zohar (the masterpiece of the Medieval Jewish mysticism, which was fashioned over the last two decades of the 13th century) published in Mantua (1558-60) and Cremona (1559) had a deep and lasting impact on Christian culture. On the one hand they facilitated the development of a philologically grounded Zoharic criticism, on the other hand they provided polemicists and preachers with new and valuable tools for their propaganda aimed at converting the Jews. The present study offers the first ever analysis of the impact of the Zohar on Christian culture, from the 16th to the 18th centuries.


Rinascimento plurale

Rinascimento plurale. Ibridazioni linguistiche e socioculturali tra Quattro e Cinquecento, a cura di Giulio Busi e Silvana Greco, Castiglione delle Stiviere, FPBP, 2022, 182 pp.
ISBN: 978-88-945374-4-4

The word Renaissance, so important for Italian and European cultural history, encapsulates multiple experiences: encounters, clashes, harmonious moments and abrupt caesuras. The international conference held in Ferrara and Castiglione delle Stiviere on September 10 and 11, 2019, and whose Proceedings are collected here, was an opportunity to discuss some hitherto underestimated currents of this Renaissance plurality. Scholars from different disciplines trace synergies between different languages and traditions (Judaism, Hermeticism, Oriental wisdom), alongside reinterpretations of "plural" ways within great literary corpora, such as those of Petrarch and Tasso. It also discusses the composition of society and the interaction between groups in fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Italy. With essays by Giulio Busi, Saverio Campanini, Raphael Ebgi, Silvana Greco, Bernhard Huss, David Nelting and Mauro Perani.


Henry Dunant
a Castiglione delle Stiviere

Orientalista e Viaggiatore. Henry Dunant a Castiglione delle Stiviere
Edited by Maria Simonetta Bondoni Pastorio and Giulio Busi, with an introduction by Silvana Greco
Second edition 
Castiglione delle Stiviere, FPBP, 2020, pagg. 95, € 18
“La biblioteca del Palazzo, 1”

At dawn on June 25, 1859, the day after the terrible battle that had been fought in the nearby countryside, a traveler knocked on the door of Palazzo Pastorio in Castiglione delle Stiviere. Henry Dunant, a young entrepreneur with high hopes, was fascinated by oriental cultures, especially North African ones. He had come to Italy in order to meet Napoleon III, in whose praise he had written a new book that he brought with him and intended to give to him. This volume of ours, the result of original archival research, aims to put places and people in front of the reader's eyes. What happened in Castiglione delle Stiviere before and after the battle of Solferino and San Martino? What was stirring in Dunant's soul? How looked the Palace that welcomed him, what other voices and what pains resounded around him? Preceded by an introduction by Silvana Greco and edited by Maria Simonetta Bondoni Pastorio and Giulio Busi, the book reconstructs the web of compassion and solidarity that vibrates in the letters and testimonies of other guests of Palazzo Pastorio in those tormented days. French officers, Italian soldiers, simple civilians - in the Pastorio residence, Dunant had around him a crowd of minor and major figures, united by suffering, by the proximity of death and by solidarity.


Giulio Busi,
Heavenly Palaces in Judaism

Heavenly Palaces: A Historical Travel Guide, Castiglione delle Stiviere, FPBP, 2020, 216 p. Printed and distributed worldwide by Amazon.

A new introduction to heavenly journeys in Jewish mysticism from late antiquity to early middle ages. The book investigates with particular attention the points of contact between the Hekhalot literature and other cultural traditions, including the texts of the Sabians of Harran and Daoist cosmology.


Four Short Kabbalistic Treatises

Four Short Kabbalistic Treatises: Ašer ben David, Peruš Šem ha-Meforaš; Isaac ben Jacob ha-Kohen, ‘Inyan Gadol; two Commentaries on the Ten Sefirot, edited by Saverio Campanini
("The Kabbalistic Library of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola," No. 6; Giulio Busi, General Editor), Castiglione delle Stiviere 2019, 188 pages,

In 1486 Giovanni Pico della Mirandola charged Flavius Mithridates, alias Raimundo Moncada, a converted Jew of Sicilian provenance, with the task of translating from Hebrew into Latin a whole kabbalistic library, encompassing most of the Jewish mystical works then available. Mithridates spent months, if not for years, filling thousands of folio pages. When Pico died in 1494, the manuscripts with the translations came to the Vatican Library in Rome, where they have remained almost untouched till today. The entire kabbalistic library of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola is now being published in monographic volumes. The series is a joint project carried out by the Institut für Judaistik of the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) and the Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento (Firenze, Italy). It aims to bring to light the real contents of a central undertaking of the Renaissance that has been inaccessible for centuries. The four short Kabbalistic Treatises gathered here bear the following editorial titles: "Commentary on the Tetragram (Peruš Šem ha-Meforaš)" by Ašer ben David, the "Great Mystery (‘Inyan Gadol)" attributed to Isaac ha-Kohen of Soria, a longer "Commentary on the Ten Sefirot (Peruš ‘al ‘Eser Sefirot I)" and a shorter "Commentary on the same topic (Peruš ‘al ‘Eser Sefirot II)." The latter, due to its laconic style and its structure, would also deserve the title of "Table of Symbolic Equivalence to the Ten Sefirot."


Principi, santi, assassini

Massimo Marocchi, Principi, santi, assassini
Intrighi gonzagheschi tra Cinque e Seicento
Introduzione di Giulio Busi
Castiglione delle Stiviere 2015, pagg. 333, ill., € 25,00
“La biblioteca del Palazzo, 4”


L'oro della Mirandola
Cancellature per Giovanni Pico

Emilio Isgrò, L’oro della Mirandola
Cancellature per Giovanni Pico
a cura di Giulio Busi e Silvana Greco.
Castiglione delle Stiviere, FPBP, 2014, pagg. 120, 34 ill., € 19,00
“La biblioteca del Palazzo, 3”


La Libia amara del generale Giuseppe Tellera

La Libia amara del generale Giuseppe Tellera
Lettere e testimonianze inedite
a cura di Maria Simonetta Bondoni Pastorio
con testi di Giulio Busi, Armando Rati, Angelo Del Boca, Francesco Donati, Mauro Sabiani, Gianna Tellera, Aldo Bertolani, Alfredo Chistoni.
Castiglione delle Stiviere, FPBP, 2012, pagg. 192, 34 ill., € 28,00
“La biblioteca del Palazzo, 2”


Henry Dunant
a Castiglione delle Stiviere

Orientalista e Viaggiatore. Henry Dunant a Castiglione delle Stiviere
a cura di Maria Simonetta Bondoni Pastorio e Giulio Busi
Castiglione delle Stiviere, FPBP, 2010, pagg. 95, € 18
“La biblioteca del Palazzo, 1”

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